
Dear parents and whanau

Your child will be given a special home learning book that will provide opportunities for them to share with you what they are learning at school.  It also provides opportunities for you to help your child, and get involved in their learning.  This book will usually be given on a Friday and be due back at school before the following Friday, unless another date is given.

In their home learning books, there is also a list of our essential spelling words and some basic maths knowledge that your child can practise at home.  There may also be additional maths, writing and reading tasks given occasionally.   

Your child will also come home with a reading book or a poem to read every day. Sometimes the book they take home will be at an easier level.  This is so they can practise reading at a faster pace, and concentrate more on reading fluently and expressively, rather than decoding (solving) new words.  Other times, the books they take home will be at their instructional level, and may be more difficult. Praise your child for trying to solve new words on their own, and encourage them to think about what might make sense. 

Please sign the bottom of their poem when they have read it to you.  Their poem book needs to be returned to school the next day. 

If you have any questions about homework, please email:

If you wish to make an appointment, please contact the office. 

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